
Business Intelligence

SynergyData Warehouse
SynergyData Mining
SynergyWhy Lisp?

Business Inteligence (BI)


Business intelligence is not a single technology but is a concept that can cover many technologies. BI solution usually covers a wide range of processes, software, and techniques, from retrieving the data from source systems to delivering business value to end users.

The goal is to gain insight into the business by bringing together data, formatting it in a way that enables better analysis, and then providing tools that give users power — not just to examine and explore the data, but to quickly understand it.“Data is not information.” is famous phrase which underscores the idea that data points by themselves fail to impart much useful information and that data must be put into context to be meaningful.

Building a system that allows users to easily grasp what is presented and turn it into easily comprehended, actionable business information requires a number of steps:

  • Identifying the business problem(s) to be addressed by the warehouse and the data needed to address those problems.
  • Identifying the location for all necessary data and extracting it from those sources.
  • Transforming the data from various sources into consolidated, consistent data.
  • Loading the transformed data into a centralized location.
  • Building a data warehouse (or data mart) with the data from the centralized location. The structure being built is called a cube.
  • Putting in place commercial products or custom applications that give access to the data in the cubes. There are many different ways of working with cube data, and different approaches make sense for different roles within an organization.



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